
Friday, June 28, 2013

Planners and Notebooks, Oh my!


Today I'm going to introduce you to my Filofax family and my other planner collections.  As you can see I keep them all lined up on the shelves in my office closet.  My shelves just make me happy every time I see them!



On the Left side I keep my Franklin Covey / Quo Vadis / Moleskine and other random planners and notebooks.  I just ordered a new Classic size Franklin Covey that will serve as my work planner (as an experiment - more on that in another post).  The zebra striped trunk in the middle of the shelves holds a massive amount of journals and diaries that I've filled up over the years.


The right hand side is where I store my lovely Filofax binders.  I currently have 10, but I'm in process of selling a few of them.  I just switched earlier this year from using a pocket Filofax as my main planner, to a personal size, so I'm looking to sell most of the pocket sized Filo's.  Here is what I use them for...
(from L-R)
  • A5 Chameleon in Raspberry - A travel Filofax where I keep information on upcoming trips, trips I am dreaming about taking, camping trips, and day trips.
  • Personal Osterley in Plum - My everyday Filofax.  I've recently posted about my setup on my other blog.
  • Personal Osterley in Orange - This is a recent purchase and I haven't set it up yet. I am thinking of using it as a health & fitness binder.
  • Pocket Chameleon Raspberry - Another recent purchase.  This will be my wallet, once I get it set up.
  • Pocket Finsbury in Raspberry - Not currently in use. Currently for sale.
  • Pocket Osterley in Plum - Not currently in use.  This one was my main planner until I switched to the personal size.  I'm not sure if I'm going to sell this one or not, because I love it so much.
  • Pocket Amazona in Red - Not currently in use.  This one is going up for sell soon.
  • Pocket Domino in Deep Pink - Storage binder for pocket planner pages
  • Pocket Domino in Orange - Notes archive binder
  • Mini Miami in Pink - Not currently in use.  Currently for sale.
So that's a current snapshot of all the binders I own.  It is always in flux!  I'm thinking about buying a few more binders, but I need to sell my pockets first.

Thanks for reading!

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